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I wanted to thank you for taking some time to learn a little about me, my company, and why I do this.


I stay pretty busy with my painting & restoration company in Berlin, MD. And, although I enjoy the challenges of my day job, creating with wood is my true passion. 


The feeling I get from taking a rough, new slab of wood, and transforming it into a functional, beautiful piece of furniture is difficult to describe. I love the feeling of being able to work with my hands to create something physical, something that has real purpose, that’s practical, and functional, and most importantly brings people joy.

Blackwood studios Maryland

I take an immense amount of pride in the craftsmanship of my work. Every piece that I create has hours and hours of work and meticulous attention to detail. I like that it’s time-consuming and sometimes difficult. I like that it takes a ton of patience, and is often repetitive. If it were quick and easy, the final product would have little value. But the struggle is what gives the furniture meaning, and fills me with a deep sense of satisfaction that I haven’t known in any other aspect of my life. That’s why I love what I do, and why I’d love to hear from you about the piece you want for your home or office.

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